Thursday, July 11, 2019

Invest in Blockchain Now

by Michael Keane

There are many reasons to investigate an investment into the cryptocurrency area. The testimony by Federal Reserve Chairman Powell to Congress over the last 2 days is another strong indicator. Normally, these hearings are regularly noise. But in this case, the testimony related to cryptocurrency was likely a signal.

Together with arguably every member of Congress, Chairman Powell expressed worry and a strong desire get ahead of cryptocurrency and to limit its effect on the global monetary system. You can find the unfiltered testimony here.  Every member of government was in agreement. They even mentioned Facebook multiple times during the testimony. That rarely happens. This should tell you that there is recognition that cryptocurrency is being recognized in a serious manner.

This testimony also should bring back the "fraud" comment from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon about cryptocurrency 18 months ago. But 6 months ago, JP Morgan released news that they have built their own coin and have a large development team doing work. The fraud comment was clearly a stall tactic. I believe Congress and Central Banks around the world are in the same delay "fraud" moment and that they are busy building their teams to handle their responsibilities in the crypto arena. It is interesting that during the testimony, JP Morgan's coin rarely if ever came up. That was not a mistake or oversight.

Some say this testimony is troublesome for cryptocurrency. It actually is the exact opposite. Legitimacy continues to strengthen. Regulation is needed. Now it is up to the cryptocurrency group to assist in helping to build the infrastructure that answers governmental questions and shows its promise to the community.  A recent comment from author and blockchain investor Don Tapscott, related the development of blockchain to the development of the internet around 1995.

Some areas to investigate are chips, platform companies, and software. Per disclosure, KDK Fund does not currently have an investment in the space. Our partner, KDK Options, has an order for Nvidia call options that is not yet filled.

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog,, or on twitter @kdkfund.

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