Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Purchased Shares of Fuel Cell

The fund has purchased shares of Fuel Cell Energy. We purchased the shares for $1.93. We do not have a plan to sell the shares.

Fuel Cell Energy has a mission of  "Delivering clean innovative solutions for the global supply, recovery and storage of energy.".

We are excited to own shares of this company as it is providing an innovative, tested, valuable process that can help with climate change.  We believe the new management is starting to execute on its plans. They have strong partners both domestically, and internationally. The market is wide open with opportunity. 

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog, kdkfund@gmail.com, or on twitter @kdkfund.

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