Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Holy Wealth Builder Netflix Batman!!!!

Story by Michael Keane

Well, well, well.

Netflix has taken Apple's lead and with one move, just created the possibility of shareholders to become immensely wealthier in the future.

The company announced today that they are splitting their stock 7 to 1 (Bloomberg story link here). That means that every shareholder will now have seven shares for every share they originally purchased. This is amazing news!

It is amazing news. This has opened up the options market to thousands of investors. For every investor that owns just 15 shares today, you will now own 105 shares. This will allow each of these investors the opportunity to sell call options on Netflix. That can be an extra stream of revenue that can go on forever. This is one of the ways that wealth can be built. With Netflix being a volatile stock, the options pricing should be fairly high.

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