Saturday, August 13, 2016

Week (8/12) In Review (Ford, AT&T, Ares REIT, Dividends, more)

There were no new purchases or sales during the week. The next scheduled purchase is in 3-5 weeks. There were no dividends received during the week. The next expected dividend is at the beginning of September. Some metrics of the current holdings are below.

CompanyCurrent PricePurchase DatesCost BasisCurrent Profit/Loss
Ford$12.338/7/2015, 1/19/2016, 7/22/2016$13.66-9.74%
AT&T$43.289/28/2015, 2/26/2016$33.2130.32%
Acre$12.563/24/2016, 6/27/2016$11.429.98%


**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to or on twitter @kdkfund.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Week (8/5) In Review (At&T Dividend, Ford, Ares REIT, more

There were no new purchases or sales during the week. The next purchase is expected in the next 3-6 weeks.

A dividend from AT&T was received. Details are here. The next dividend is expected in the beginning of September from Ford.

Some metrics of the current holdings are below.

CompanyCurrent PricePurchase DatesCost BasisCurrent Profit/Loss
Ford$12.198/7/2015, 1/19/2016, 7/22/2016$13.66-10.76%
AT&T$43.169/28/2015, 2/26/2016$33.2129.96%
Acre$12.993/24/2016, 6/27/2016$11.4213.75%


**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to or on twitter @kdkfund.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

PAY DAY!! AT&T Dividend Received

On Tuesday, the fund has received a dividend from AT&T. The amount was 1% higher than last quarter due to continuing dividend reinvestment. The total amount of dividends received from previously reinvested dividends is 2.6% of the total amount this quarter. 

A portion of the dividend will be reinvested. Another portion will be donated to charity. As always, each dividend payment post is a reminder to both reinvest for your future and enjoy a portion of your pay days!

This is a great way to produce and maintain wealth building streams.

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to or on twitter @kdkfund.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Week (7/29) In Review Ford earnings, AT&T, Ares REIT, more

There were no new purchases or sales during the week. The next purchase will be in the next 3-5 weeks.

There were no dividends received during the week. The next dividend will be from AT&T in the following week.


- Ford released unimpressive earnings. The Bloomberg story link is here.

Some metrics of the current holdings are below

CompanyCurrent PricePurchase DatesCost BasisCurrent Profit/Loss
Ford$12.708/7/2015, 1/19/2016, 7/22/2016$13.66-7.03%
AT&T$43.299/28/2015, 2/26/2016$33.6728.57%
Acre$12.703/24/2016, 6/27/2016$11.4211.21%


**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to or on twitter @kdkfund.