Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 5/22 In Review (BAB purchase, more)

The fund purchased more shares of Powershares Build America Bond Fund. There were no sales this week.

There were no dividends received during the week.

Some metrics of current holdings are below.

CompanyCurrent PricePurchase Dates (not including dividend reinvestment purchases)Cost Basis (includes dividend purchases)Percentage of Dividends Received From Reinvested DividendsCurrent Profit/LossDate SoldEnding Profit/Loss
Realty Income$46.961/14/2014, 7/29/2014$41.533.83%13.07%Current Holding
Ford$15.272/11/2014, 1/13/2015$15.171.08%0.66%Current Holding
AT&T$34.713/28/2014, 9/12/2014, 2/23/2015$34.572.48%0.40%Current Holding
Sysco$37.675/7/2014$36.411.64%3.46%Current Holding
Powershares BAB$28.936/23/2014, 5/20/2015$28.995.26%-0.21%Current Holding
Nuveen Comm$16.7810/22/2014, 5/7/2015$15.513.60%8.19%Current Holding
GE$27.6812/3/2014$26.040.54%6.30%Current Holding
-14.71%Current Holding


**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to kdkfund@gmail.com or on twitter @kdkfund.

Friday, May 22, 2015

More shares in Powershares BAB Fund bought

More shares in Powershares Build America Bond Fund were purchased. This doubles the position for KDK Fund. The monthly dividend will now increase at a faster pace as dividend reinvestment for BAB is still in place.

The next purchase will happen in the next 4-6 weeks. Candidates include Ford and others. 

  **All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to kdkfund@gmail.com or on twitter @kdkfund.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Week 5/15 In Review (Dividends Received, more)

There were no purchases or sales this week.

There was a dividend received by Realty Income.

Some metrics of the current holdings are below.

CompanyCurrent PricePurchase Dates (not including dividend reinvestment purchases)Cost Basis (includes dividend purchases)Percentage of Dividends Received From Reinvested DividendsCurrent Profit/LossDate SoldEnding Profit/Loss
Realty Income$47.901/14/2014, 7/29/2014$41.533.83%15.34%Current Holding
Ford$15.482/11/2014, 1/13/2015$15.171.08%2.04%Current Holding
AT&T$34.333/28/2014, 9/12/2014, 2/23/2015$34.572.48%-0.69%Current Holding
Sysco$37.275/7/2014$36.411.64%2.36%Current Holding
Powershares BAB$29.196/23/2014$29.215.26%-0.07%Current Holding
Nuveen Comm$16.2810/22/2014, 5/7/2015$15.513.60%4.96%Current Holding
GE$27.2712/3/2014$26.040.54%4.72%Current Holding
-15.13%Current Holding


 **All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to kdkfund@gmail.com or on twitter @kdkfund.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dividend Received by Realty Income

The fund received a dividend payment from Realty Income. The dividend has been reinvested for free. The dividend was 1.2% higher than last month due to dividend reinvestment. 5% of the total shares held in Realty Income are shares purchased through dividend reinvestment.

Dividend Reinvestment continues to be an integral part of the wealth building plan. Dividend payments are consistently becoming larger and larger due to dividend reinvestment.

 **All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to kdkfund@gmail.com or on twitter @kdkfund.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fund Making Second Distribution of Year

The fund is set to make its second distribution of the year. The first distribution was on March 19th! This distribution took only about six weeks to occur. In comparison, there were only two distributions last year in total. The expectation is to have either distributions occur every month or increase the amount of each distribution. The next expected distribution will be in July.

The fund is currently receiving dividends from Realty Income, Ford, AT&T, GE, Sysco, Powershares Build America Bond Fund, Nuveen Long/Short Commodity Fund, and Pennymac Mortgage REIT.

In addition to making distributions to our investors, the fund consistently gives a percentage of its revenue to charity. One difference in our giving is that we don't write down our charitable giving. We don't feel that we should be rewarded financially in any way when giving to charity. Besides, taking money away from service members and veterans because we gave to charity doesn't seem like something an organization with former service members that benefited from the GI Bill and other VA benefits should do.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 5/8 In Review (Nuveen CTF shares purchase, more)

There was one purchase of Nuveen Long Short Commodity fund shares (post link here). There were no sales for the week. The next purchase is scheduled for the next 3-5 weeks.

There were no dividends received for the week. The fund will be receiving its next dividend from Realty Income.

Some metrics of the current holdings are below.

CompanyCurrent PricePurchase Dates (not including dividend reinvestment purchases)Cost Basis (includes dividend purchases)Dividends Received from Reinvested DividendsCurrent Profit/LossDate SoldEnding Profit/Loss
Realty Income$46.611/14/2014, 7/29/2014$41.43$0.1212.50%Current Holding
Ford$15.682/11/2014, 1/13/2015$15.16$0.013.43%Current Holding
AT&T$33.453/28/2014, 9/12/2014, 2/23/2015$34.62$0.12-3.38%Current Holding
Sysco$36.565/7/2014$36.40$0.020.44%Current Holding
Powershares BAB$29.186/23/2014$29.21$0.03-0.10%Current Holding
Nuveen Comm$16.3310/22/2014, 5/7/2015$15.52$0.055.22%Current Holding
GE$26.9312/3/2014$26.28$0.002.47%Current Holding
PMT$18.243/27/2015$21.16-13.80%Current Holding

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to kdkfund@gmail.com or on twitter @kdkfund.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

More Shares Purchased of Nuveen Long/Short CTF

The fund has purchased more shares of Nuveen's Long/Short Commodity Fund (symbol CTF) for its portfolio. Reasons for the purchase are below.

- Higher valuation expected

- Monthly dividend still at high value of $0.119 per share

- Increase speed of dividend compounding rate

The next purchase will happen in the next 3-5 weeks. Candidates include Powershares Build America Bond fund and others.

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to kdkfund@gmail.com or on twitter @kdkfund.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 5/1 In Review (Dividends from PMT, T, GE, BAB, CTF, more)

There were no purchases or sales during the week. The next purchase will be in the next 1-2 weeks. Candidates include Nuveen CTF, and others.

Dividends were received and reinvested from GE, Nuveen CTF, AT&T, and Powershares Build America Bond Fund. It was the best week of dividends ever for the fund in terms of dollars received. The week's dividends amounted to 10% of a normal purchase.

Dividends from shares purchased through reinvested dividends have made up 2% of dividends received for the year.

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to kdkfund@gmail.com or on twitter @kdkfund.