There was a dividend received and a portion reinvested in Powershares Build America Bond Fund. The next dividend will be from Ares Commercial REIT in mid-April.
Some metrics of the current holdings are below.
Company | Current Price | Purchase Dates | Cost Basis | Current Profit/Loss |
Ford | $13.10 | 8/7/2015, 1/19/2016 | $13.31 | -1.58% |
AT&T | $39.05 | 9/28/2015, 2/26/2016 | $34.18 | 14.25% |
Apple | $109.99 | 1/5/2016 | $103.28 | 6.50% |
BAB | $30.12 | 12/15/2015 | $28.71 | 4.91% |
Acre | $11.06 | 3/24/2016 | $10.80 | 2.41% |
Average | 5.78% |
**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to or on twitter @kdkfund.
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