Wednesday, July 30, 2014

KDK Fund Realty Income Share Purchase

KDK Fund purchased more shares of Realty Income (symbol O). The price of the shares paid was $44.84. The average cost of the shares held by KDK Fund are now $41.64. The fund has now doubled its position in the stock. The reasons for the purchase are below.

- Continued strength in monthly dividend payments. Each month will not only see growth in the money received, it will spur more growth as the dividends are reinvested.
- General economic growth continues
- Stock appreciation still available

If you have any stocks that you think KDK Fund would be interested in researching, let us know at or twitter @kdkfund.

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to**  

Monday, July 28, 2014

Week ending 7/26 In Review (Realty Income, Ford, AT&T, Sysco, Powershares BAB, Dividends, more)

There were no purchases or sales this week. There were earnings from Ford, AT&T, and Realty Income this week. A dividend from Sysco was received this week. There is a spreadsheet below with some of the fund's holdings information. Based on the information, the fund will continue to hold onto shares. There is a planned purchase of shares next week.

The earnings reports received were generally inline with expectations.

The dividend received from Sysco was the first received. The fund received $0.29 per share. The dividends were reinvested. Almost 1% of the portfolio has been invested at no cost due to dividend reinvestment program.

SecurityLast Friday's Closing PricePurchase Dates (Dividend purchases not included)Cost Basis (Dividend purchases not included)Dividends Received Per Share Since PurchaseCurrent Profit/LossDate SoldEnding Profit/Loss
Realty Income$44.691/14/2014$38.45$1.10519.10%Current Holding
Ford$17.622/11/2014$14.90$0.1319.09%Current Holding
AT&T$35.543/28/2014$35.10$0.462.56%Current Holding
Sysco$36.755/7/2014$36.74$0.290.82%Current Holding
Powershares BAB$29.626/23/2014$29.08$0.001.86%Current Holding

Friday, July 25, 2014

60% of KDK Fund Companies Release Earnings on same day (yesterday)


So Ford, AT&T, and Realty Income all released their quarterly earnings yesterday. A short synopsis would be that Ford did well due to US results, Realty Income earnings were in line, and AT&T did fine.

You can check out more information on each of the companies earnings by going to Yahoo! Finance and typing in the symbol (F, T, O).

If you have any stocks that you think KDK Fund would be interested in researching, let us know at or twitter @kdkfund.

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to**  

Monday, July 21, 2014

Week In Review (Realty Income, Ford, AT&T, Sysco, Powershares BAB ETF, New Format)

There were no new purchases or sales this week. The fund received a dividend payment from Realty Income that was fully reinvested. The next purchase is planned to happen in the next couple of weeks. There is one planned dividend payment expected from Sysco next week. Some elements of the current holdings are in a spreadsheet below.

SecurityCurrent PricePurchase Dates (Dividend purchases not included)Cost Basis (Dividend purchases not included)Dividends Received Per Share Since PurchaseCurrent Profit/LossDate SoldEnding Profit/LossTime Held
Realty Income$45.791/14/2014$38.45$1.10521.96%Current Holding6 Months
Ford$17.722/11/2014$14.90$0.1319.77%Current Holding5 Months
AT&T$36.173/28/2014$35.10$0.464.36%Current Holding3 Months
Sysco$36.755/7/2014$36.74$0.000.03%Current Holding2 Months
Powershares BAB$29.416/23/2014$29.08$0.001.13%Current Holding1 Month

The fund received a dividend payment from Realty Income last week. It was reinvested. The most recent dividend payment has increased the fund's shares of Realty Income by 2.8%.

If you have any stocks that you think KDK Fund would be interested in researching, let us know at or twitter @kdkfund.

**All posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all questions and comments to the blog or to**