KDK Fund received a dividend payment from Realty Income. It was automatically reinvested for free. Because of dividend reinvestment and an increase in the dividend, the payment was 1.3% higher than last month.
Dividends continue to be an important part of the wealth building process for the fund.
The next dividend is expected to be from GE, Sysco, and Powershares BAB at the end of the month.
you have any stocks that you think KDK Fund would be interested in
researching, let us know at kdkfund@gmail.com or twitter @kdkfund.
posts on this blog are information and opinions only. They are not to
be considered recommendations to buy or sell any security. Please do
your due diligence first before trading and investing. Please direct all
questions and comments to the blog or to kdkfund@gmail.com**
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